Fund Football Fairly

Dear Players, Parents and club supporters,

Fund Football Fairly is a grass roots campaign group working with Capital Football and local football clubs to secure improved ACT Government funding for football in Canberra.

Football is by far the largest participation sport in Canberra but receives a fraction of the Government funding received by other sports. This is not fair.

There are 43,116 people who participate in football in Canberra on a regular basis. This is almost twice the number of people who participate in Rugby League, AFL, and Rugby Union combined, and more than the combined numbers of Cricket and Netball.

Despite the number of people playing football regularly and passionately, the game has never been properly funded. The historic lack of funding of football is reflected in the paucity of facilities available to the football community in 2024 compared to other sports. Fund Football Fairly is seeking to change this by drawing on the support of the local football community to lobby the ACT Government for fairer funding in 2025 and beyond.

Belwest Foxes Soccer Club Inc. endorses the work of Fund Football Fairly and what it is seeking. Please read the Open Letter to the Canberra Football Community explaining what it is the football community is asking of the ACT Government and why.

Please support the campaign, by engaging in the following activities:

Sign the Petition calling on the ACT Government to address the historic under funding of football in Canberra

Follow the Fund Football Fairly – ACT Facebook page and participate in the campaigns.

Talk to your friends and teammates, your football community, your family, your WhatsApp group, and forward the Open Letter to the Canberra Football Community and links to other people.

Fund Football Fairly will be writing to the political parties and candidates to seek their commitment to support each proposal should they be elected. The survey response will be circulated back to the football community prior to the election for your consideration.

A pay walled article published in the Canberra Times on 14 September 2024 about Fund Football Fairly:

Thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely


Nick Houston
Fund Football Fairly (ACT)
Tel: 0412 189 814
Facebook: Fund Football Fairly (ACT)